i nearly died
Archived blog of artist Ronald P.D. Brandt
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
new collages
Singalong Falls
Digital Collage
Where You Headed?
Digital collage
Tra La La, Doot Doot Doo
Digital collage
Breakfast Canyon
Digital collage
Don't Mind If I Do...
Digital collage
Down by the River
Digital collage
Wow, it's been over three years since my last post! I did these as examples for a project my computer art students are currently doing. I was only going to do one, but I was having so much fun with it, I decided to make a whole series of them.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
sketchbook collages + watercolors
Beekeeper + Shaman
Mixed media
5.5" x 8.5"
I Did Not See That Coming
Mixed media
5.5" x 8.5"
Pleased to Feet You
Mixed media
5.5" x 8.5"
These first few came from a class I took this summer, called "Smashbooks and Visual Arts Journals Blah Blah and Et Cetera", or something like that. We made our own sketchbooks, and these are a few of the pages from it. It was a great class, and I made a ton of crazy collages with laser eyes and mouths, vomit, and blood. Needless to say, fun was had by all who attended!
I will definitely have my Drawing & Painting students make their own sketchbooks this year. I think it's a great way for them to get excited about making art and tap into their right brain, not-thinking thoughts.
Brands Mean Nothing to Me
Watercolor on paper
6" x 9"
The Last Immigrant Grocer on Earth
Watercolor on paper
5.5" x 8.5"
There's a Riot Goin' on
Watercolor on paper
6" x 9"
These next three came from the afore-mentioned watercolor class, in which I loosened up a little and made a series of slightly Diebenkorn-y, non-representational jobbers.
Framed Tree No. 1
Watercolor on paper
5" x 8"
Framed Tree No. 2
Watercolor on paper
6" x 9"
And lastly, the trees come from the watercolor class, too. They use the "blown straw" technique to create the trees, with details added later. The first one already had a rectangle on the page when I started, so I left it in as a design element and did a few more like it. I have a couple of others in this series, and I might add them later if I get a chance.
Friday, August 03, 2012
long time, no post
Finn and Biscuit
Graphite and watercolor on paper
8" x 10"
Wow--it's been a while.
This is from a different (& more recent) summer watercolor class. It's my pups!Lots more to come, & soon! Stay tuned.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
a pile of stuff and junk whatever i don't care

Still Life with Orange Wiffle Ball
Graphite and watercolor on paper
12" x 16"
I am reasonably happy with this.
It's from the summer watercolor class.
No, I haven't done anything lately.
Unless you count splitting wood and watching scary movies.
I don't.
But John Carpenter's The Thing was very entertaining.
Also, the library's copy of Hellboy II would not play the last five minutes.
What are people doing with these DVDs?
Whatever it is seems to involve Brillo pads, or possibly gravel.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
what have i done? this:

Watercolor and graphite on paper
5" x 8"

Two Views of West Meadow Beach Trash Cans
Watercolor, graphite, sand, and salt water on paper
Size variable
i have been a bad blogger lately. my apologies! above are some more things from my watercolor class over the summer. the top one made it to the website. the beach ones are a little "meh", and the rest are either "super-meh" or too big for me to bother with scanning or photoing just yet.
you may be wondering to yourself: "hi, self. i'm wondering if mr. brandt has made anything new lately, what with his new full-time job and all."
i'd have to give you a big fat "NO" on that one, self--unless you count a few new shelves in my garage and a pool filtration system. give me a while to settle in, and i'll dazzle you with some new goodies. until then, you just keep those pants on. unless you're going swimming. because that would be ridiculous to swim in your pants, you know.